Short & Long Term Effects of Marijuana

The immediate effects of taking Marijuana includes rapid heart beat, disorientation, lack of physical coordination and concentration, often followed the Next Day by depression or drowsiness. Some Long  time users of Cannabis can suffer panic attacks or anxiety.  Marijuana can cause dizziness and disorientation for the person inhaling Second Hand Smoke and for the user.  Smoking Marijuana or Hashish over a long period of time can cause the person to be Depressed, Listless,Tired, have Poor Concentration, Memory and be Apathetic to Daily Life.

According to studies, the active ingredient in Marijuana, THC, remains in the body for weeks or months. As a result Marijuana or Cannibas can be very addictive.

Health Problems caused by Marijuana

Marijuana and Reproduction

"Marijuana changes the structure of Sperm Cells, deforming them. Thus even small amounts of Marijuana can cause temporary Sterility in men and Infertility in Women.  Marijuana use can upset a woman’s Menstrual Cycle."

"Cannabis is one of the few Drugs which causes abnormal cell division which can lead to hereditary defects. A pregnant woman who regularly smokes Marijuana or Hashish may give birth prematurely  or to an undersized, underweight baby.  Over the last ten years, many children of Marijuana users have been born with reduced initiative and lessened abilities to concentrate and pursue life goals. Studies also suggest that prenatal (before birth) use of the Drug may result in Birth Defects, Mental Abnormalities and increased risk of Leukemia in Children."

Marijuana and Cancer

"Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more Cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke. One major research study reported that a single
Cannabis joint could cause as much damage to the lungs as up to five regular cigarettes smoked one after another.  Long-time joint smokers often suffer from bronchitis, an inflammation of the respiratory tract."

" The Drug Marijuana can affect more than your physical health. Studies in Australia in 2008 linked years of heavy Marijuana use to brain abnormalities. This is backed up by earlier research on the long-term effects of Marijuana, which indicate changes in the brain similar to those caused by long-term abuse of other major Drugs.  And a number of studies have shown a connection between continued Marijuana use and psychosis."

Marijuana changes the structure of sperm cells, deforming them. Thus even small amounts of Marijuana can cause temporary sterility in men.  Marijuana use can upset a woman’s menstrual cycle.

How Marijuana Effects the Brain

All Drugs affect the Brain and Body.  A Drug is either a Stimulant or a Depressant.  Marijuana is a Depressant so it slows the NeuroTransmitters in the Brain and impairs a person's judgement, timing and rationalization.  Studies show that the mental functions of people who have smoked a lot of Marijuana tend to diminish. The THC in Cannabis disrupts nerve cells in the Brain affecting Memory and Cognitive Thinking.

"A number of studies have linked chronic Marijuana use and mental illness. High doses of Marijuana can produce a temporary Psychotic reaction (involving Hallucinations and Paranoia) in some users, and using Marijuana can worsen the course of illness in patients with schizophrenia. A series of large studies following users across time also showed a link between Marijuana use and later development of Psychosis. This relationship was influenced by genetic variables as well as the amount of drug used, drug potency, and the age at which it was first taken—those who start young are at increased risk for later problems."

" Research shows a link between Marijuana use and mental health problems like depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, Short-term Psychosis, and Schizophrenia. "

Mental Disorders Caused by Marijuana

 Chronic use of Marijuana can lead to Short-Term Psychosis and Schizophrenia